Saturday 12 December 2009

Be smart: To expect Husband Being a dad Example

My friend, the beloved Mother of ...

How big is the father at home to take part in parenting and educational baby ...? Did they meet the criteria for 'Super Dad' for our children ...? Does the father have all pulled out all the resources, be it time, effort, and thoughts and feelings in the process of developing the baby at home ...?

I wish all the Mother answers, Praise the husband at home is a model father figure. But if any of you who can not honestly declare that, because the husband's performance at home not reflect exemplary father figure, do not be discouraged. You are not alone. There is still the Mother who was not so lucky.

Even Ummi Magazine June edition, raised the problem father role at home in my father Highlights teacher, which I must read all the father of the children of Indonesia. The fact that many of the husbands who do not want to be involved actively in the process of care and education in developing the baby at home.

It said: "The involvement of fathers in the home (outside of economic affairs) becoming thinner. They felt themselves has become a father enough to perform the role as providers (especially the Goddess dwell in the house). The children were used to grow without them, and after, may be asking, 'emang doang enough money, Dad? "Father who preferred to work outside often still carry a complete job with stressnya home. So that they become a cool person, do not want to take a larger portion in accompanying their children grow. As a result, fathers assume the role of today like a scarecrow bird repellent. Often we hear the mother scolding her child, saying 'Watch out, waiting for dad home' or 'Watch out, she'll tell dad, you know feeling' Voice mothers who make things worse. Making the gap between father and son even further ".

According to Mrs. Elly Risman "The presence of fathers in assisting development of the child can make them feel more meaningful, forming a strong personal and full of initiative."

Personally I often encounter situations where the mother made so busy with work at home, he sometimes does not feel the need to intervene to help. Forget about house chores affairs, let alone that portion of the Mother who is still at home. Minimal automatically (without being asked) he can take over the task of taking care needs of children, especially toddlers who have not 100% independent. It is the duty of the true Father. But what can I say, it is difficult for a father to take the role limitations due to priorities. Make Dad, sometimes such precious time to rest undisturbed, even for kids affairs.

Faced with this situation I often lose the value of emotion and worship everything I do because of irritation. What the Mother manusia.Walaupun only occasionally managed to control and see everything as a large charitable fields and produce. But the children's father has the right to time, to take part take care of them. Many simple activities without the cost that can be done with the father of the children at home, which could make them happier and more emotionally intelligent with the participation of fathers who all out.

The question is what should we do as a Mother who will fight for the rights of children acquire productive time of my father ..?? It was Father sincere concern for children will be worth far more romantic than an expensive birthday gift or a candle light dinner in the well.

In fact the man's father is competent in the workplace, the creative and productive. Also dedication. But why they arrived at the house such as loss of identity. The potential is evaporated. Is it because they judge us as mothers have done a good job too, so do not need the help and participation of the father again. Would not it be great result if Father and Mother work together synergistically to educate our nation's successors. The fighters which will improve the community.

He said the crisis occurred because of this role since the first very few examples of exemplary father figure in this country. The father was busy feeling good about themselves without putting inner needs of children will be participation in the priorities of their lives everyday. Looks like they need to experience, one day they will be responsible attitude in the face of the Creator, which places them as leaders in the household. Forgotten them by example that exemplified the Prophet Muhammad, as the greatest dad on earth.

I personally have never stopped hoping and praying that fulfilled the rights of children acquire productive time father. Alhamdulillah, my father actually still have an awareness of his role. Only often lost with drowsiness and personal interests. But Dad was always ready to for help even take a long time waiting to move. Regardless, he is still better than in many other, more Daddy do not care. That should be grateful.

May Allah open the hearts of their husbands in order to become a model father immediately, before it is too late. Without the child will soon feel adolescence without closeness with his father. So reduced their potential to be a more complete human being and a rich vocabulary in the meaning of his life.

Children are the responsibility of both parents, who have the same role before God Almighty. Although most of the stories in the Quran, in Surah Luqman like, just call it the father's role. So rose the father ... Spirit ... Take a greater role ... The children would be happier and grow more perfect by the father ...

For those of you who have become exemplary father figure, or a model husband, do not hesitate to share stories that inspire us not as lucky as you. Thanks.

By Arifah Handayani (Smart Parenting)

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