Saturday 12 December 2009

My son

(By Gibran Bogel Galuh)

... Sing boy, I heard it, desires and dreams, a thousand notes inspire heroism stars smile ...

infiltrate in the niche you dear life, casting a line stretching the words of the most meaningful ones. shaded dreams touch the bottom inner blessing, every night Mother sang a prayer strand meaningful messages ...

... Longing to talk to you, boy, the shade of your own destiny. hang the skies will echo the sound has a meaning. hide anxious to stop the tongue, blush beauty fill your heart says, comfort like kalam counting beads, giving the mandate of love is omnipotent.

leave a mark where you are, my boy, believe me with confidence, do not you close your eyes to uphold the truth, one day your heart gain strength when forging the path of life experience. place deep inside of science, conscience eyes the beauty of life like the clarity of the soul to read the good ...

... The sanctity of life to share yourself with another human being, quench the thirst of your fate chance, His hidden secrets. hope will close the void of despair heat wave form of heart trouble storms past. happiness son, a shade for your mother.

your words thrill Mom and Dad, said goodbye to remind blessing, "Father, Mother ... I want to say goodbye to teach!" ...

... An instant heart was touched, the book on the theology of immortality long-forgotten closet. clarity of your heart again, son.

... Mandate to return to teach and assess ...

Mid-October 2009

Post by Arifah H. (Smart Parenting)

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